It was on this day that I ordered the final materials for the “Night Sale” show at Lillstreet. The show is going forward, but digitally. I will go there to finish making the pieces and will install it with the help of Jeanne and Cat. I will talk about it on the 17th of April, 2020 if it remains tasteful to do so. It’s a bit awkward, the whole thing, because it’s a site-specific installation that almost no one will ever encounter. If the Pope shits in the woods, does Jesus weep? Maybe so. I’ll have to take good documentation of it to make sure at least a snippet of its essence comes through over the internet to the people I will show it to. It’ll probably be one of the coolest things that I have made, and certainly a big step for my practice. Yet, no one will experience it in person. Strange times we live in, but not uninteresting.